For over a hundred years, we’ve been settling for a pain in our neck, back and shoulders. Our needs as plus-size breast owners have been ignored.
But now, we revolt!
At haami, we’re revolutionizing the bra by getting rid of it. We started building the bra from the ground up. With three levels of quality fabric support and a patent-pending technology, haami’s bras provide your breasts the support they deserve.
Since she was a teenager, bras have been the bane of Faria’s existence. An archenemy if you will. Finally, the hero’s call came during her Master’s journey when she set out to solve a problem that affects women across the globe.
Thus haami was born. haami became a way for her to make a real change in the community for plus-size folks struggling with body image and being physically in pain due to the mass-produced torture machine from the 1920’s (the bra).
Faria immediately started working on a solution by cutting up bras and gluing/stapling pieces of fabric together (mostly because her sewing skills are nonexistent). After building and failing 42 prototypes and receiving 11 rejections, haami was finally able to bring a sketch to a fashion agency to work towards a working prototype.
Now haami is on its way to officially transform the lingerie industry and allow plus-size breast-owners to fall in love with their bodies and feel confident, without feeling the pain.
Canadian entrepreneur with a marketing and sales background, Faria is deeply passionate about changing the landscape of the lingerie industry to be more inclusive and empowering. Every person deserves to feel comfortable and supported by their bra.
Faria has spent a majority of career focused on empowering equity-deserving communities through her education, her businesses, and her work. Now she wants to build a community for those left on the margins of the fashion world through Haami.
For all other enquires, please email and we’ll be more than happy to assist!